There Lives a Wish in Anguish

The New York Times published a bit last month about languishing. How so many of us are stuck in an odd limbo, a languishing, a time in which we are not necessarily thrilled about anything, or not much anyway. And a time in which we are not quite in that state of panic or surprise,... Continue Reading →

Where Have You (I) Been? or Haikus on Joy

Where Have You Been? Please tell me the days of CovInsanity have not ripped away your hope, or your health, or, heaven forbid, your loved ones. For me, the tug at my positive outlook on the world, the one I eventually return to after days of down or blue or even bluer, has been as... Continue Reading →

Arthritis? The Alps? August in April? Let’s Just Call It Aging

  for Flo Hart Arthritis I remember watching my dear friend Jimmy’s mother, Flo, scoot, literally, or squiggle, like a fish out of water, across the kitchen floor to travel from one cabinet to the next gathering what she needed to put dinner together. I offered to help, and she thanked me with her always... Continue Reading →


Charged My daughters have each accused me of this: Slut-shaming. I didn’t really know the term, but I knew exactly what they meant the minute they said it. And they were right. Proud I was embarrassed, and this was not a case of someone calling the kettle black. I raised these smart feminists, and they... Continue Reading →

Finally Returned, Since October, Mackler Moments, and A Poem: “Gracious”

Moments matter. That is my wisdom for the year. Call them Mackler Moments. Call this an Anne Marambling. It doesn't matter. But the moment, it matters. Love Found The moment the bride and groom become one. That moment, that one, when a binding smile enveloped each of us who was present to witness these nuptials.... Continue Reading →

Shopping for Caskets

Or Three Poems and a Funeral So it is October. The month when the veil between this life and after is its thinnest. And the clouds are their most dramatic. And the colors. And so many friends have recently lost parents. Loved ones. And so I offer this. Three poems, and accompanying blather looking at death.... Continue Reading →

Be Like the Moon, or the Sun

Trust. It’s everywhere. So many things are reliable. Trustworthy. The sun will rise. It will set. The moon cycles around our planet. Concrete hurts if you bonk your head on it. A feather pillow is a soft  place to rest your sore noggin. So many things, at first, seem unreliable. But once you get to... Continue Reading →

Let’s Begin this Day, Shall We?

Let's Begin this Day Oh, the existential crisis of it all. Am I odd in my daily questioning of purpose? The history and plight of our existence? The why's and wherefore's of this reflection I observe? This being? The physical. And the verb. To be. Shakespeare offered an option. Or not. To be, that is.... Continue Reading →


Splitting Funny how planning a wedding, a celebration of love, leads to conversations about divorce. What? It's true. On gorgeous, sunny days do we talk about the vicious rainstorm that ruined last weekend's picnic? Well, I guess sometimes we do. We are creatures, on good days, who think about the whole picture. The bigger picture. The... Continue Reading →

Four Friends, Two Babies, and the Ellipsis of Friendship

It is one of the absolute greatest pleasures in life to touch base with old friends after many years and to find the connection has not frayed or weakened as old wiring might do. Instead, the sparks all fire right on cue, and laughter, intelligence, and camaraderie ensue as they always had, as if no... Continue Reading →

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