Make those Bones Stronger

wheelie2Make Those Bones Strong

Make those bones stronger than the sliver of new light, resting on the gutters along his neighbor’s roof, promising another day, good or bad, another.

Make those bones stronger than his dog’s, where resilience and patience reside, waiting for the jingle of the leash, a morning walk? Always happy for just another nap.

Make those bones stronger than his youth, when flexibility and speed were easy options, and a wheelie or two was best before breakfast.

Make those bones stronger than his unsaid words, like embers lining the hearth, just enough warmth to help him rise, make the bed, never enough to complain.

Make those bones stronger.

Make those bones stronger than the table holding our conversations in its grain, as old as time, supporting slaps of laughter, heavy foreheads, and elbows softened by prayer.

Make those bones stronger than the promise of forever in a fresh hot cup of coffee, and the never that hides underneath a dim hankie in his pocket.

Make those bones stronger than yesterday’s anger, rubbed raw like ribs wrapped around stiff lungs, and tougher still than the gravity pushing out his breath.

Make those bones strong.

Make those bones stronger than poetry, or metaphor, or any other trick we use to explain the life we wake up to every single morning, and as forgiving as the accusations we rail in the shower.

Make those bones stronger than a lifetime of the best damned choices and the unending questions written onto the map of our mortality.

via Daily Prompt: Dim

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