Four Friends, Two Babies, and the Ellipsis of Friendship

It is one of the absolute greatest pleasures in life to touch base with old friends after many years and to find the connection has not frayed or weakened as old wiring might do. Instead, the sparks all fire right on cue, and laughter, intelligence, and camaraderie ensue as they always had, as if no... Continue Reading →

From Across the Room

From Across the Room I listened from across the room her giggles and secrets forcing my eyes to stay open so I could hear her make growing up sound as magic as the parade of perfume bottles Chantilly and Shalimar on her dresser, I unscrewed the shiny tops before school to smell my future and she never... Continue Reading →

Cardinal Directions

Cardinal Directions Once upon a time, at a staff meeting, a colleague boasted (was it a boast?) that she didn’t know her directions. She rolled her eyes as if she was too busy to know such a thing, as if it was below her. I was struck by her pride in not knowing, and struck... Continue Reading →

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